Research Consultants

Yarin  Benizri

Yarin Benizri

Yarin is a completing his B.Sc in Mathematics and Computer Science at the Hebrew University. He possesses research experience in computer vision and deep learning.

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Yarin is currently working on Dr. Dani Schrire’s postcards project, which includes over a hundred thousand images. The project includes scanning, tagging, and preprocessing of the data and building a database that attaches to the HU library website.

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Aviya  Doron

Aviya Doron

Aviya Doron is a PhD student in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of Jewish History under the supervision of Prof. Elisheva Baumgarten.

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Aviya’s research examines Jewish-Christian economic exchange in the 14th century German Empire. During her research, Aviya began working with relational databases and social network analysis.

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Noam Maeir

Noam Maeir

Noam Maeir is a PhD candidate in HUJI, at the department of Comparative Religion and Digital Humanities.

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He holds a BA in Psychology and Middle Eastern Studies, and an MA in Comparative Religion, both in HUJI. His research focuses on Syriac literary culture, the study of late antiquity and digital humanities. He utilizes quantitative analysis of Greek loanwords in digitized Syriac literature; digitization of Syriac manuscripts (OCR and HTR); algorithmic NLP analysis of state protocols; "scraping" - writing computer programs that extract data from online websites.


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