Former Members

Rona Aviram Image

Dr. Rona Aviram

Rona is an early career researcher with a diverse academic background that spans the life sciences, philosophy and history of science, and digital humanities.

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During her PhD in at the Biomolecular Science department at Weizmann Institute of Science, she underwent wet-lab training as a chronobiologist. Over time, her interests evolved toward understanding the broader processes of science-making and knowledge production. As a postdoc at the Center for Digital Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, she studied contemporary history of science using digital archives, such as Wikipedia.

Currently, she is continuing this work and developing automated tools to expand her research as a postdoc in at the Weizmann Institute's Computer Science and Applied Mathematics department, while also serving as an associate research fellow at Paris's Research Center Interdisciplinaires.

Through these efforts, Rona is committed to advancing interdisciplinary research and contributing to a deeper understanding of how knowledge is shaped and disseminated in the digital age.


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Yarin  Benizri

Yarin Benizri

Yarin is a completing his B.Sc in Mathematics and Computer Science at the Hebrew University. He possesses research experience in computer vision and deep learning.

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Yarin is currently working on Dr. Dani Schrire’s postcards project, which includes over a hundred thousand images. The project includes scanning, tagging, and preprocessing of the data and building a database that attaches to the HU library website.

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Hila Dayfani

Dr. Hila Dayfani

Hila Dayfani is a Postdoctoral research fellow in the Center for Digital Humanities and the Bible Department at the Hebrew University, the Oriel Centre for the Study of the Bible and the University of Oxford.

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Her research focuses on the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Pentateuchal Criticism. She is currently working on digitizing the Identification of Hitherto Unidentified Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments. The project utilizes AI-based system for scribe identification by digital paleography and develops a new algorithm for text search to identify as many unidentified Qumran fragments as possible.

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Aviya  Doron

Aviya Doron

Aviya Doron is a PhD student in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of Jewish History under the supervision of Prof. Elisheva Baumgarten.

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Aviya’s research examines Jewish-Christian economic exchange in the 14th century German Empire. During her research, Aviya began working with relational databases and social network analysis.

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Yoav  Hamdani

Dr. Yoav Hamdani

Yoav Hamdani holds a Ph. D from the History Department of Columbia University. His current research investigates the origins and scope of slavery within the U.S. Army, the legal, fiscal, and violent mechanisms that sustained it, and the profound impact slavery had on the American military establishment.

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By creating multiple datasets, refining the metadata through machine learning, visualizing, mapping in GIS, and employing statistical models – the research presents a macro analysis of military enslavement and the fiscal and violent federal mechanism that sustained it. Additionally, he uses NLP, text mining, and visualization programs to identify information specific to military slavery from thousands of officers’ personal papers to understand the social and cultural history of military enslavement. Eventually, he will make the data accessible to the public.


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